Directory info/simplified-latex
The "Simplified Introduction to Latex" was written by Harvey J. Greenberg (hjgreenberg at gmail dot com) It was posted at CTAN in 1999. The current version is November 29, 2010. Licence: ------- This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public Licence. See for the details of that licence.] The file is the postscript file, ready for 2-sided printing. The file simplified-intro.pdf is the same thing in PDF. The sources are in This is a quick entry to Latex designed for students in an undergraduate seminar. Basic objectives and scope are given in its Preface. I request that you reference my book when appropriate; its Bibtex entry is: @book{Greenberg, author = "H.J. Greenberg", title = "A Simplified Introduction to {\LaTeX}", publisher = "World Wide Web", address = "\url{}", year = "1999--2010", } (You need to have \usepackage{url} in your preamble, described in the book.) I welcome comments for future updates.* -- (*) Updated for changes in pstricks, to produce PDF output, and with a few minor corrections, by Dan Luecking. You may contact him with comments: luecking at uark dot edu.
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simplified-latex – A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX
An accessible introduction for the beginner.
Package | simplified-latex |
Version | 2010-11-29 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Harvey Greenberg Daniel H. Luecking |
Contained in | TeX Live as simplified-latex |
Topics | Tutorial LaTeX |