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Verzeichnis graphics/metapost/contrib/macros/m3D

m3D package

Last modification: december 14, 2005


The m3D package is an extension to plain MetaPost designed
for 3 dimensional graphics. 


Standard LaTeX licence even if I also like the
``Feel-free-to-send-me-a-postcard'' one.

Brief description of the files

*  mpinputs: MetaPost input files.
   o  m3Dplain.mp (the very core of m3D, reading
      it is better than read any manual)
   o  m3Dlib01.mp (a small library where one cand find
      some common mathematical objects)
   o  One may add here new libraries.

*  manual: a draft for a manual.
   o  m3Dmanual.pdf (to be read directly)
   o  m3Dmanual.ps  (to be read directly)
   o  m3Dmanual.tex (the text [plain-TeX]),
   o  m3Dmanual.mp  (illustrations, this helps also to understand
      how to use m3D),
   o  m3Dmanmac.tex (personal plain-TeX format)

*  trials: various things using m3D. Try them.

*  gallery: a small gallery of still or animated images.

Suggested TDS location for the contents of mpinputs:

Suggested TDS location for other files:

Brief commentary: Happy MetaPosting.

Anthony Phan.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (1.3M).

m3D – Extension of plain for 3D graphics

M3D is another extension of plain for 3 dimensional graphics. While the author claims it should not be regarded as stable, he believes it has value simply as a source of ideas for those who wish to implement 3D graphics in .

The package (stable or not) exhibits some interesting abilities, both in the package manual and in the gallery that comes with the distribution.

LizenzenThe Project Public License
BetreuerAnthony Phan
Enthalten inMiKTeX als m3d
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren