Directory graphics/AddTeX2Eps
% Janko Slavic ( % 2006, version 1.1 %%%%%%%%% % Installation: % Be sure to have installed psfrag package: (If using MikTeX go to MikTeX options/packages and install psfrag). default.tex is the LaTeX template where you can add packages and define your own LaTeX commands. Copy default.tex and AddTeX2Eps.m to ..\AddOns\StandardPackages\Graphics\ or to search path. %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% % Example of usage: % Needs["Graphics`AddTeX2Eps`"]; Options[EpsExport] CorrectBB::usage fig = Plot[Sin[x^2], {x, 0, 4}, AxesLabel -> {"a","b"},PlotLabel -> "c"]; EpsExport["d:/test.eps",fig,{ "\\psfrag{a}[c]{$x$}", "\\psfrag{b}[c]{$\\sin(x^2)$}", "\\psfrag{c}[c]{Native \\LaTeX via psfrag package}" }] %%%%%%%%%%%%
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AddTeX2Eps – Use LaTeX syntax on EPS figures, within Mathematica
This Mathematica script permits the user to write psfrag commands at the same place as the fragments for replacement are defined.
Package | AddTeX2Eps |
Version | 1.15 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Janko Slavič |
Topics | Graphics prep |