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Directory fonts/zefonts

The `ze' fonts (virtual T1 fonts)
version 2.1

by Robert Fuster (rfuster\@ mat.upv.es)
        Departament de Matem\`atica Aplicada
        Universitat Polit\`ecnica de Val\`encia
        46071 Val\`encia (Spain)

        June 24, 1997
        September 17, 1998
        July 17, 2000

    The `zd' fonts by Constantin Kahn (kahn@math.uni-hannover.de)
    are virtual T1 encoded Computer Modern fonts based on (OT1) Computer
    Modern, Times, and Helvetica fonts, intended for simulate `dc'
    fonts. (Waine Sullivan's `dm' fonts are another approach to
    the substitution of `dc' fonts by virtual ones.)

    Because `dc' fonts are now obsolete, I've adapted the Kahn's package to
    `ec' fonts. The resulting virtual fonts are named according to the ec
    fonts names, changing `ec' by `ze' (zerm1000.vf simulates ecrm1000, and
    so on).

    Another virtual T1 encoded Computer Modern fonts are the almost european
    (`am') fonts, by Lars Engebretsen (enge@nada.kth.se). The main difference
    between `am' and `ze' fonts is that almost european fonts only use
    Computer Modern fonts to simulate the European Modern and, then,
    more characters are lost.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (447.6k).

zefonts – Virtual fonts to provide T1 encoding from existing fonts

The package provides virtual T1 encoded (mostly) Computer Modern fonts based on (OT1) Computer Modern together with Times and Helvetica fonts, intended to simulate ec fonts.

The 'ae' fonts do a similar task, but miss some glyphs that aren’t available in OT1.

MaintainerRobert Fuster
Constantin Kahn (inactive)
Contained inMiKTeX as zefonts
TopicsFont t1enc
Font virtual
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