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Verzeichnis fonts/urwchancal

This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the details of that license.

This is a mathematical script/calligraphic virtual font based on the URW clone of Zapf Chancery. 

Install the TDS in the usual way. There is no map file to enable. 

The effect of 


is to redefine \mathcal to invoke the appropriate size of urwchancal scaled by the factor .9. The option mathscr instead redefines \mathscr to do the same thing without affecting \mathcal.

The virtual font urwchancal was produced using fontinst from the raw text font uzcmi8r, with adjustments to the font metrics in accordance with my tastes in side-bearings, accent placement and subscript position. 

Michael Sharpe
msharpe at ucsd dot edu

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urwchancal – Use URW's clone of Zapf Chancery as a maths alphabet

The package allows (the URW clone of) Zapf Chancery to function as a maths alphabet, the target of \mathcal or \mathscr, with accents appearing where they should, and other spacing parameters set to reasonable (not very tight) values.

The font itself may be found in the URW basic fonts collection.

This package supersedes the pzccal package.

LizenzenThe Project Public License
BetreuerMichael Sharpe
Enthalten inTeX Live als urwchancal
MiKTeX als urwchancal
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