Directory fonts/psfonts/tools
This directory contains the working scripts needed to make the font metrics which form the CTAN fonts/psfonts directory. These scripts were originally Unix shell scripts. Many changes to the scripts were made with Piet to get proper checksums in the fonts, and make the system more understandable and reliable. They were then converted to Perl in January 1997 as part of a radical revision, and they are now hopefully useable. There should be almost no Unix-dependent material here. The makefile gives examples of their usage, or you can start reading, most of whose work is done by subroutines in Volunteers to turn this into a serious Perl tool, and to document it, are very welcome! Sebastian Rahtz <> Piet Tutelaers December 1995 Sebastian Rahtz January/February 1997; September 1997; July 1998
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (94.8k).
psfonts-tools – Tools for creating a distribution of font metrics
A set of tools, written in Perl, that supported the creation of the original CTAN set of Type 1 font metrics.
Package | psfonts-tools |
Version | 1998-05-12 |
Copyright | 1994–1997 Sebastian Rahtz |
Maintainer | Piet Tutelaers Sebastian Rahtz (deceased) |
Topics | Font processor |