CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/duerer

This file is public domain.
Originally written 1990, Alan Hoenig.
This notice added by Clea F. Rees 2010/12/13 following correspondence between
Alan Hoenig and Karl Berry, who also suggested adding the included reference to
<http://tug.org/TUGboat/tb11-3/tb29hoenig.pdf> and renaming duerer.readme to
README. File list and references amended accordingly.

This directory contains the "Computer Duerer" fonts designed by Alan Hoenig (see
the 1990 TUG Conference Proceedings for a full background on this or Alan
Hoenig's article at <http://tug.org/TUGboat/tb11-3/tb29hoenig.pdf> for further
details). The version here is for use as titling only and consists of the
uppercase letters A-Z.
README                    This file
cdb10.mf                  Computer Duerer Boldface
cdi10.mf                  Computer Duerer "Informal" (modeled in
                              part, after Stone Informal) This
                              font does not generate properly at
                              resolutions under ~400dpi.
cdr10.mf                  Computer Duerer Roman
cdsl10.mf                 Computer Duerer Slanted
cdss10.mf                 Computer Duerer Sans Serif
cdtt10.mf                 Computer Duerer Typewriter Type
dromani.mf                Low level MF files for the Computer
dromanu.mf                Duerer fonts

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duerer – Computer Duerer fonts

These fonts are designed for titling use, and consist of capital roman letters only. Together with the normal set of base shapes, the family also offers an informal shape. The distribution is as source.

support is available in the duerer-latex bundle.

Version 2010-12-13
LizenzenPublic Domain Software
BetreuerAlan Hoenig
Enthalten inTeX Live als duerer
MiKTeX als duerer
Siehe auchduerer-
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren