Directory biblio/bibtex/contrib/phy-bstyles
This directory contains a collection of BibTeX style files for various physics journals due to Charles Karney (Karney@Princeton.EDU). The compilation of this archive and some extensions to the physj* files were done by Hans-Hermann Bode (HHBODE@DOSUNI1.BITNET). Herein are the following files: ./README this file ./physics.btx master file for creating the bst files ./physjful.btx full journal names, to be included in physics.btx ./physjabb.btx abbreviated journal names, to be included in physics.btx ./physjful.bib full journal names, for use with other BibTeX styles ./physjabb.bib abbreviated journal names, for use with other BibTeX styles ./cpp.el preprocessor for GNU-Emacs to generate the bst files from physics.btx ./aip.bst BibTeX style for American Institute of Physics journals ./aip.sty associated LaTeX document style ./cpc.bst BibTeX style for Computer Physics Communications ./iaea.bst BibTeX style for IAEA conferences ./jcp.bst BibTeX style for the Journal of Computational Physics ./nf.bst BibTeX style for Nuclear Fusion ./nf.sty associated LaTeX document style ./nflet.bst BibTeX style for Nuclear Fusion Letters ./pf.bst BibTeX style for Physics of Fluids ./ppcf.bst a physics version of the apalike BibTeX style ./report.bst BibTeX style for internal reports ./rmp.bst BibTeX style for Reviews of Modern Physics To use the styles, copy all *.bst files needed into a directory where BibTeX looks for style files. This will usually be a directory in the TEXINPUT(S) path, i.e., in the same path where TeX looks for its input files. In addition, if appropriate, copy the *.sty files into a directory where TeX looks for its input files, see above. For use of the physj*.bib files with other BibTeX styles, copy them into a directory where BibTeX looks for bibliography databases. This will usually be a directory in the BIBINPUT(S) path. If you want to re-generate the *.bst files from physics.btx, change the line #include "physics-journal-abbrev.btx" to include one of the physj*.btx files. --H2B
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (81.5k).
phy-bstyles – A collection of BibTeX styles for physics journals
Proto BibTeX styles (.btx files) are provided, together with a GNU-emacs lisp program to generate usable .bst files. A set of actual .bst files, together with the required LaTeX packages, is also provided.
Package | phy-bstyles |
Licenses | Free license not otherwise listed |
Maintainer | Hans-Hermann Bode Charles Karney |
Topics | Physics BibTeX Style |