Suggestions for pst-vowel
The following packages have something in common with the package pst-vowel. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- phonrule: Typeset linear phonological rules
- engpron: Helps to type the pronunciation of English words
- pronunciation: American English Pronunciation
- tipauni: Producing Unicode characters with TIPA commands
- pst-calculate: Support for floating point operations at LaTeX level
- pst-pdf: Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs
- unitipa: TIPA typefaces with Unicode characters as input
- auto-pst-pdf-lua: Using LuaLaTeX together with PostScript code
- auto-pst-pdf: Wrapper for pst-pdf (with some psfrag features)
- tonevalue: Tool for linguists and phoneticians to visualize tone value patterns
- wsuipa2tipa: Translate wsuipa font commands into tipa font commands
- tsipa: Macros and fonts to produce IPA typesetting
- ipa: LaTeX macros for using WSUIPA fonts
- pst-soroban: Draw a Soroban using PSTricks
- pst-dbicons: Support for drawing ER diagrams
- pst-abspos: Put objects at an absolute position
- pst-tvz: Draw trees with more than one root node, using PSTricks
- pst-asr: Typeset autosegmental representations for linguists
- pst-am: Simulation of modulation and demodulation
- pst-grad: Filling with colour gradients, using PSTricks
- pst-poly: Polygons with PSTricks
- pst-exa: Typeset PSTricks examples, with code
- pst-knot: PSTricks package for displaying knots
- pst-fun: Draw "funny" objects with PSTricks
- pst-graphicx: A PSTricks-compatible graphicx for use with Plain TeX
- pst-lens: Lenses with PSTricks
- pst-qtree: Simple syntax for trees
- pst-uml: UML diagrams with PSTricks
- pst-rubans: Draw three-dimensional ribbons
- pst-thick: Drawing very thick lines and curves
- pst-spectra: Draw continuum, emission and absorption spectra with PSTricks