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fetchbibpes – Creates a DB of Bible verses from e-Sword, then fetches them on command

This bundle provides two packages, bibpes and fetchbibpes. This pair of packages was motivated by a friend, who was preparing Bible studies lessons using a combination of the application e-Sword and . He wanted a ‘database’ of Bible packages from which he could simply ‘fetch’ passages into the source file.

Package bibpes is used to develop a database of verses, and package fetchbibpes is used to fetch the verses.

Version 2021-03-08
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.2
Copyright2016–2021 D. P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live Contrib as fetchbibpes
MiKTeX as fetchbibpes
DB access
See alsobibletext

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.1M).

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