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CTAN update: tikz-karnaugh

Date: February 9, 2022 5:26:13 PM CET
Luís Paulo Laus submitted an update to the tikz-karnaugh package. Version number: 1.4 2022-02-08 License type: lppl1 Summary description: Typeset Karnaugh maps using TikZ Announcement text:
Improved support for American style (Gray coded labels) new style and length for American style; change some key names (standard); new 'karnaugh cell size' key; positioning of labels simplified; two new macros for type setting maps as they should appear and not using the truth table order; documentation updated reflecting the changes; bug fixes. Users are encouraged to upgrade.
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikz-karnaugh More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tikz-karnaugh
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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tikz-karnaugh – Typeset Karnaugh maps using TikZ

The tikz-karnaugh package is a package used to draw Karnaugh maps. It uses TikZ to produce high quality graph from 1 to 12 variables, but this upper limit depends on the memory usage and can be different for you. It is very good for presentation since TikZ allows for a better control over the final appearance of the map. You can control colour, styles and distances.

It can be considered as an upgrade and extension of Andreas W. Wieland's karnaugh package towards TikZ supporting. Upgrade because uses TikZ for more option on typesetting and overall higher quality. Extension because it also supports American style and inputting the values as they would appear in the map or in the truth table. Complex maps with solution (implicants) pointed out can be generated with external java software (see documentation for details).

It supports both American and traditional (simplified labels) styles and from version 1.3 on American style is natively supported, therefore, no more addition work is required to typeset Gray coded labels, variable names etc. From version 1.4, two new macros allow typesetting a map much more similarly as it should appear. Original order, as the values appear in the truth table, still being supported.

Version1.5 2022-02-15
Copyright2017–2022 Luis Paulo Laus
MaintainerLuís Paulo Laus



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