CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN Update: abntex2

Datum: 28. Februar 2016 16:06:43 MEZ
Lauro César Araujo submitted an update to the abntex2 package. Version: 1.9.6 2016-02-26 License: lppl1.3 Summary description: Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules Announcement text:
2016/02/26 - v1.9.6 . added compliance to ABNT NBR 10719:2015 . added \ABNTEXcaptiondelim command . added documentation for superscript citations . changed caption's separator to long dash, in accordance to ABNT NBR 14724:201 +1 . removed implementation of multifootnote, once memoir has "," as default value for \multfootsep . fixed invalid dependence on relsize package . fixed footnote mark size for footmarkers more than 1 character longer . fixed caption delimiter: \ABNTEXcaptiondelim: \textendash for captions \ABNTEXcaptionfontedelim: colon for source (fonte)
The package's Catalogue entry can be viewed at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/abntex2 The package's files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/abntex2/ We are supported by the TeX users groups. Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese

abntex2 – Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules

The bundle provides support for typesetting technical and scientific Brazilian documents (like academic thesis, articles, reports, research project and others) based on the ABNT rules (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas).

It replaces the old abntex.

Version1.9.7 2018-11-24
Copyright2012–2018 Abntex2 team
BetreuerLauro César Araujo



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