CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN Update: libertinus

Datum: 23. März 2018 17:33:02 MEZ
Khaled Hosny submitted an update to the libertinus package. Version: 6.5 2018-03-21 License: ofl Summary description: The Libertinus font family Announcement text:
- Fix regressions in handling of extensible combining marks with LuaTeX. - Add Latin bold italic sans-serif alphabet. - Add mathematical double-struck digits. - Enable slashed zero feature in math font. - Add big sizes for more brackets; \lBrack, \rBrack, \langle, \rangle, \lAngle and \rAngle. - Add big sizes of slash and backslash. - Add \widetilde, \wideutilde and \widebreve. - Fix side bearings of math blackboard capitals. - Fix math glyphs with negative left side bearing that can clash with preceding glyphs. - Make \vert and \Vert expansion consistent in size with the brackets. - Remove tone bar glyphs; the support was not adequate for proper use. - Remove math alphabet glyphs from text fonts. - Fix glyphs incorrectly categorized as mark glyphs. - Add Bitcoin currency symbol. - Fix stacking of a-ring and macron. - Fix “ct” and “st” historic ligatures and make them consistent across fonts. - Fix mark positioning over AE and OE glyphs. - Fix style of U+2100 (a/c), U+2101 (a/s), U+2015 (c/o) and U+2106 (c/u). - Fix mark positioning over G and g glyphs. - Make default and alternate J glyphs consistent across upright and italic fonts. - Make U+00BA MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR and U+00AA FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR have the same baseline in serif fonts. - Position semibold serif i/j dot similar to other styles. - Remove rudimentary MATH table from regular serif font. - Fix alignment of U+2192, U+2198, U+2199 in the monospace font. - Make more arrows fixed width in the monospace font. - Make capital roman numbers in sans-serif and sans-serif italic fonts actually sans-serif. - Make \product in sans-serif fonts actually sans-serif. - The fonts can now be built with upstream FontForge, no patches needed, as well as Python 3.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/libertinus The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/libertinus/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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libertinus – Wrapper to use the correct libertinus package according to the used engine

This package is only a wrapper for the two packages libertinus-type1 (pdf) and libertinus-otf (Lua/XeLaTeX).

The Libertinus fonts are similiar to Libertine and Biolinum, but come with math symbols.

Copyright2018 Herbert Voß
BetreuerHerbert Voß



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