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New on CTAN: statmath

Date: March 11, 2018 1:30:16 PM CET
Sebastian Ankargren submitted the statmath package. Version number: 0.1 License type: lppl1.3 Summary description: A LaTeX package for simple use of statistical notation Announcement text:
statmath: A LaTeX package for simple use of statistical notation
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/statmath More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/statmath
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statmath – A package for simple use of statistical notation

The package offers anumber of notational conventions to be used in applied and theoretical papers in statistics which are currently lacking in the popular amsmath package. The seasoned user will see that the provided commands are simple, almost trivial, but will hopefully offer less cluttered preambles as well as a welcome help for novice users.

Copyright2018 Sebastian Ankargren
MaintainerSebastian Ankargren



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