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New on CTAN: glosmathtools

Datum: 2. August 2019 20:51:38 MESZ
Francis Gagnon submitted the glosmathtools package. Version number: 0.5 License type: lppl1.3c Summary description: Mathematical nomenclature tools based on glossaries package Announcement text:
The glosmathtools package can be used to generate a mathematical nomenclature (also called list of symbols or notation). It is based on the glossaries package. Updates in glosmathtools 0.5: - glossaries noredefwarn default (already default in glossaries-extra) - multiple setacronymstyle call avoided (as adviced by glossaries doc) - new macro \setacronymlang - new environnent acronymlang similar to \setacronymlang - glossary style default to nomenclature main language - accronym language default to main language - new macro \glscatnamefmt
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/glosmathtools More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/glosmathtools
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glosmathtools – Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package

This package can be used to generate a mathematical nomenclature (also called “list of symbols” or “notation”). It is based on the glossaries package.

Its main features are:

  • symbol categories (e.g.: latin, greek)
  • automatic but customizable symbol sorting
  • easy subscript management
  • easy accentuation management
  • abbreviation support (with first use definition)
  • bilingual nomenclatures (for bilingual documents)
  • bilingual abbreviations

The documentation is based on the ulthese class.

The package itself depends on glossaries, amsmath, amsfonts, and etoolbox.

Version1.0.0 2020-03-26
BetreuerFrancis Gagnon



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