CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN package update: gmutils

Date: August 7, 2008 10:32:17 PM CEST
ctan-upload at alan.smcvt.edu wrote: > The following information was provided by our fellow contributor: > > Name of contribution: gmutils > Author's name: Grzegorz Murzynowski > Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/gmutils > Summary description: a basic package used by other packages of mine v0.91 > License type: lppl > > Announcement text: > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > This package gathers basic commands used by other packages of mine, > such as \@ifnextcat, \@ifnextac, \foone, \StoreMacro... > In this version: > + \XeTeXthree, the declaration loading xltxtra, xunicode and fontspec > adjusted to the redefinition of \verb in recent xlxtra > + removed \jobnamewoe since \jobname is always without extension. > + \xiispace forked to \visiblespace \let to \xxt at visiblespace of > xltxtra if available. > + The documentation driver integrated with the .sty file. > + the package uses e-TeX primitives such as \ifdefined. > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > This package is located at > http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/gmutils > . More information is at > http://tug.ctan.org/pkg/gmutils i have installed the package and updated the catalogue repository. thanks for the upload. Robin Fairbairns For the CTAN team

gmutils – Support macros for other packages

Miscellaneous macros used by others of the author’s packages.

Contents of the package: \newgif and other globals; \@ifnextcat and \@if; \(Re)storeMacro(s) to override redefinitions; \afterfi and friends; commands from relsize, etc.; “almost an environment” or redefinition of \begin (\begin* doesn't check if the argument environment is defined).

MaintainerGrzegorz Murzynowski



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