CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis support/pdftex-quiet



This is a tool in BASH serving to reduce the output of pdftex command and see only relevant errors in red bold font to fight them ASAP.

Originally, I've started this as the StackExchange answer.

Currently, you can find this repository in a Comprehensive Archive Network (CTAN) under /support/pdftex-quiet.

Quickinstall the latest version

curl -s https://gitlab.com/jirislav/pdftex-quiet/raw/latest/pdftex-quiet | \
	sudo tee /usr/local/bin/pdftex-quiet >/dev/null \
	&& sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pdftex-quiet \
	&& sudo ln -sf /usr/local/bin/pdf{,la}tex-quiet

Installation from git

Download this repository:

git clone https://gitlab.com/jirislav/pdftex-quiet.git
cd pdftex-quiet

Simply copy the bash script to your $PATH:

cp pdftex-quiet /usr/local/bin/
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pdftex-quiet

# Make sure we support also pdflatex-quiet command (pdflatex is also a symlink to pdftex command)
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/pdf{,la}tex-quiet


Usage is the same as with pdftex and pdflatex (it supports all the arguments except the [COMMANDS], but the filename is mandatory!).

# Keep in mind that the last argument should always be the filename to compile 
# and it's mandatory! (unless you only want to print a help)
pdftex-quiet --output-format dvi --output-directory=/tmp my_tex_source.tex

# Print help
pdftex-quiet --help

# But most probably you simply want to run the pdftex without modifications:
pdftex-quiet my_tex_source.tex

# Also you might want to use LaTeX instead:
pdflatex-quiet my_tex_source.tex


See the LICENCE file.


This project's avatar was designed by Flaticon.

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pdftex-quiet – A bash wrapper for pdf limiting its output to relevant errors

This package provides a bash script aiming at reducing pdf’s output to relevant errors, which are displayed in a red bold font.

The project originally started as a StackExchange answer.

LizenzenGNU General Public License, version 3
Copyright2018 Jiří Kozlovský
BetreuerJiří Kozlovský
Enthalten inTeX Live als pdftex-quiet
MiKTeX als pdftex-quiet
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