Directory obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/pzccal
pzccal README ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Date: 2011-03-28 :Copyright: © 2011 Günter Milde <> :Licence: This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the `LaTeX Project Public License`_, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. :Abstract: Set up the Zapf Chancery font as script (calligraphic) math alphabet. **Obsoleted by the urwchancal_ package.** Versions ======== :0.1: 2011-02-03 first published version :0.2: 2011-03-28 documentation update: deprecated by urwchancal_ Introduction ============ The `pzccal` package sets up the Zapf Chancery font (pzcmi7t) as script (calligraphic) math alphabet ``\mathpzc``. It provides options to scale the font and to configure the alias command name. By default, `pzccal` overwrites the predefined math alphabet command ``\mathcal``. The urwchancal_ package (developed independently and published less than a month after pzcal.sty) provides not only a style file but also virtual fonts solving problems with accents and spacing. Like `pzcal`, it provides both lowercase and capital Latin math script letters. It is highly recommended to use ``urwchancal.sty`` instead of ``pzcal.sty``. Files ===== ==================== ===================================== README.txt Requirements, Installation, Usage README.html browser friendly README pzccal.sty literate source (LaTeX package) pzccal.sty.txt literate source (Documentation) pzccal.sty.pdf literate source (Documentation, PDF) pzccal.sty.html literate source (Documentation, HTML) pzccal-test.tex Test example (source) pzccal-test.pdf Test example (PDF output) ==================== ===================================== The bidirectional text <-> code converter PyLit_ can convert between ``pzccal.sty`` and ``pzccal.sty.txt``. The Python Docutils_ and pdflatex were used to generate the HTML and PDF documentation from the reStructuredText_ sources. Requirements ============ This package uses fonts from the PSNFSS bundle. It also requires kvoptions_. Installation ============ * Unpack (preferably in a TDS_ documentation folder). * Make sure LaTeX can find pzccal.sty: Copy/Move/Link it to a suitable place in the TDS_ and run ``texhash`` or place it in the current working directory (e.g. for testing). Usage ===== It is highly recommended to use urwchancal_:: \usepackage{urwchancal} instead of :: \usepackage{pzccal} Option descriptions in the literate source. .. References ========== .. _LaTeX Project Public License: .. _PyLit: .. _reStructuredText: .. _Docutils: .. _kvoptions: .. _urwchancal: .. _TDS:
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pzccal – Zapf Chancery as calligraphic math alphabet
The package establishes the Zapf Chancery font (pzcmi7t) as script (calligraphic) math alphabet \mathpzc. It provides options to scale the font and to configure the alias command name. By default, the package overwrites the predefined math alphabet command \mathcal.
The author has now declared the package obsolete, since he believes that the urwchancal package does the job better.
Package | pzccal |
Version | 0.3 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Copyright | 2008, 2010 Günter Milde |
Maintainer | Günter Milde |
Contained in | MiKTeX as pzccal |
Topics | Font supp maths Obsolete |