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Verzeichnis obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/ltxindex

ltxindex is a simple package to make indices for LATEX documents with
GNU's texindex. Though missing some important functionality, texindex
is much simpler to use; and if you don't need anything fancy, such an
index may be useful.

This package only implements the standard indices used by texinfo, and
only defines the concept index (cp) by default. You can't define custom
indices (yet), and you must set up the fn, ky, pg, tp, and vr indices on
your own. Read the manual for more information on usage, plans, and

Good luck and happy TeXing,


Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (83.7k).

ltxindex – A package to typeset indices with GNU’s Texindex

A package that allows the user to make indexes with GNU’s Texindex program, instead of makeindex. It provides the indexing commands available in Texinfo by default, but only defines the concept index (cp) by default — the user must define other standard indexes, and there is no provision for custom indexes.

The package is not currently maintained. According to the author, the purpose of this package is nowadays better served by xindy.

LizenzenGNU General Public License
Copyright2004 Richard Stallman, Robert J. Chassell, Michael Clarkson, J. Luis Rivera N.
BetreuerLuis Rivera (inaktiv)
Enthalten inMiKTeX als ltxindex
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