CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis macros/plain/contrib/js-misc

$Id: README,v 1.2 1995/05/07 16:58:21 schrod Exp $

The plain/js-misc package collects some small miscellaneous plain TeX
macros I wrote and use quite regularly. You'll find a complete list of
the package's macro files at the start of Imakefile.

In my opinion, of particular importance are

    idverb.tex		Typesetting verbatim by |...|
    xfig.tex		Typeset figures created by xfig (transfig, actually)

There does not exist a user manual for most macros. A German
description of two minor macro files (cassette.tex & schild.tex) is
available in js-misc.{tex,dvi}. Other DVI files in this distribution
feature explanations of specific macro files, typically with
implementation info as well. The rest has user documentation at the
top of the macro files, as comments.

For installation instructions, check the file INSTALL.

Reference anonymous ftp site:
	ftp.th-darmstadt.de []
	directory pub/tex/plain
	file js-misc-<version>.tar.gz
		where <version> is the current version number
		(a gzipped tar file)

CTAN directory:
		version info is in file History


Joachim Schrod			Email: schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de
Computer Science Department
Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

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js-misc – Miscellaneous macros from Joachim Schrod

A bunch of packages, including:

  • idverb.tex, for ‘short verbatim’;
  • xfig.tex, for including xfig/transfig output in a document; and
  • cassette.tex for setting cassette labels.

LizenzenPublic Domain Software
BetreuerJoachim Schrod
Enthalten inTeX Live als js-misc
MiKTeX als js-misc
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