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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/media4svg


The media4svg Package

Version 0.13, 2022/10/12

© 2020–today, Alexander Grahn



This package implements an interface for embedding video and audio files and the YouTube player in SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) output.

SVG with embedded media is very portable, as it is supported by all modern Web browsers across a variety of operating systems and platforms, including portable devices.

The most portable media formats are as follows:


File extension Codecs MIME-type
mp4 v: h264, a: AAC video/mp4
webm v: VP8, a: Vorbis video/webm
ogg v: Theora, a: Vorbis video/ogg


File extension MIME-type
mp3 audio/mpeg
ogg audio/ogg
wav audio/wav

In the world of and , SVG is produced by means of the dvisvgm backend by M. Gieseking, which is included in Live and MiK.

Supported workflows are:

  • dvilualatexdvisvgm
  • [p|up]latexdvisvgm
  • xelatex --no-pdfdvisvgm

All engines that produce DVI/XDV output can be used, but dvilualatex is to be preferred. By default, media data are physically embedded into the SVG output. For this, they need to be Base64 encoded, which is done by the built-in Lua interpreter of Lua. The other, non-Lua-based engines call the Lua script for Base64-encoding as an external program via shell-escape, which is much slower.

Recommended dvisvgm commandline options

There are a number of dvisvgm commandline options that should be used in general:

dvisvgm --zoom=-1 --exact --page=1,- --font-format=woff2  <DVI/XDV file>

For exporting beamer-class documents to SVG, option --box=papersize should also be added. Refer to the manual page, man dvisvgm, for additional information.


Usage example

Here is an example presentation (source code) with an embedded local video file as well as with video streamed from a URL and a YouTube player. It also explains how to use the mouse and the keyboard for playback control.

Option dvisvgm must be set globally by passing it to the document class.

The package itself is loaded with
Package options are: draft, final, autoplay, loop, controls, mimetype, width, height, totalheight, keepaspectratio, scale, url, youtube, vimeo, embed. They have the same meaning as the command options explained below, but are applied globally.

Note that media4svg is incompatible with package media9.

The command for media inclusion is

\includemedia[<options>[, url]]{<poster text>}{<media file or URL>}
\includemedia[<options>, youtube]{<poster text>}{<YT video ID>[,<YT video ID 2>[, ...]]}
\includemedia[<options>, vimeo]{<poster text>}{<Vime video ID>}
Command options:
The media is given an ID by which it can be referenced in JavaScript code, as in $("myVid").play();, for example.
These have the usual meaning. If draft is set, a box is inserted into the document instead of the media display.
Media playback is started after the page has been loaded in the web browser. Depending on their settings, browsers may refuse to autoplay multimedia with unmuted audio. Option muted may need to be set as well to allow playback to be started automatically.
Media is played in a loop.
The audio will be initially silenced.
time=<time offset>
Playback starts with an offset, specified in seconds.
Player-specific controls are shown as an overlay in the media display.
mimetype=<mime type>
Although optional, it may be a good idea to give a hint to the web browser about the kind of media to be played, such as audio/mpeg or video/mp4.
The last argument of \includemedia is taken as a URL and media data will not be embedded in the SVG file.
Embeds a YouTube player. The last argument of \includemedia is a single or a comma-separated list of YouTube video IDs.
Embeds a Vimeo player. The last argument of \includemedia is a Vimeo video ID. Only a single ID is allowed.
By default, a local media file, given as the last argument of \includemedia, is encoded and embedded as a data blob into the SVG output. Option embed=false suppresses embedding and the media file remains separate.
height=<v-size> | totalheight=<v-size>
Resize the media display or set its size if <poster text> is left empty. If provided, <poster text> is squeezed or stretched according to the given options. If only one of width or [total]height is given, the other dimension is scaled to maintain the aspect ratio of <poster text>. If both width and [total]height are given together with keepaspectratio, <poster text> is resized to fit within <h-size> and <v-size> while maintaining its original aspect ratio. Any valid dimension is acceptable for <h-size> and <v-size>. In addition, the length commands \width, \height, \depth and \totalheight can be used to refer to the original dimensions of <poster text>.
Scales the media display by <factor>.


This material is subject to the Project Public License.

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media4svg – Multimedia inclusion for the dvisvgm backend

This package implements an interface for embedding video and audio files in SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) output. SVG with embedded media is very portable, as it is supported by all modern Web browsers across a variety of operating systems and platforms, including portable devices.

All DVI producing engines can be used. The dvisvgm utility, which is part of all major distributions, converts the intermediate DVI to SVG. By default, media files are embedded into the SVG output to make self-sufficient SVG files.

Version0.13 2022-10-12
LizenzenThe Project Public License
Copyright2020–2022 Alexander Grahn
BetreuerAlexander Grahn
Enthalten inTeX Live als media4svg
MiKTeX als media4svg
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren