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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/askmaps

This small LaTex package provides the rendering of American style Karnaugh maps
as found in many American text books on Digital Design. There are four files:

README      - this file
askmaps.sty - the package file
askmaps.tex - the documention with examples
askmaps.pdf - PDF version of the documentation

The Karnaugh maps are rendered with picture commands; only the pict2e package
is loaded.

The Tikz package can be used to shape the Karnaugh maps as pleased.

Current version is 0.2. At this point, only 1-5 variable Karnaugh maps
are supported. People familiar with the Karnaugh package should have
no problem in using the macros in this package.

Suggestions and bug reports are welcome at J.E.J.opdenBrouw@hhs.nl

Happy TeX-ing!

                       Jesse op den Brouw

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (376.7k).

askmaps – Typeset American style Karnaugh maps

The package provides 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 variable Karnaugh maps, in the style used in numerous American textbooks on digital design. The package draws K-maps where the most significant input variables are placed on top of the columns and the least significant variables are placed left of the rows.

Version0.2 2020-10-23
LizenzenThe Project Public License
Copyright2013–2020 Jesse op den Brouw
BetreuerJesse op den Brouw
Enthalten inTeX Live als askmaps
MiKTeX als askmaps
Siehe auchkarnaugh
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