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Verzeichnis macros/latex/contrib/amsaddr



This package is intended to be used with the amsart document class only. It lets you move the authors' affiliations either just below the authors' names on the front page or as footnotes on the first page. The email addresses are always listed as a footnote on the front page.

To produce the amsaddr.sty file simply run latex amsaddr.ins.

This package is distributed under the Project Public License.

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amsaddr – Alter the position of affiliations in amsart

The package is to be used with the amsart documentclass. It lets you move the authors’ affiliations either just below the authors’ names on the front page or as footnotes on the first page. The email addresses are always listed as a footnote on the front page.

LizenzenThe Project Public License
Copyright2006–2022 Jérôme Lelong
BetreuerJérôme Lelong
Enthalten inTeX Live als amsaddr
MiKTeX als amsaddr
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren