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Ankündigungen für didactic

didactic – Tools for writing teaching material

This package provides macros and environments useful for writing teaching material. It provides more semantic environments on top of the standard definition, theorem, and friends: for instance, exercise, activity and question. These are suitably colour-coded when used with Beamer. They occur as “normal” text in handouts produced by beamerarticle (same style as definition usually has).

It also provides macros for typesetting code listings and output side by side.

Finally, it modifies the appearance of beamer (Berlin-based theme) and memoir (Tufte style layout), if loaded. It is designed to be used with beamer to produce slides and beamerarticle with memoir to produce notes and handouts from the same source.

Version1.7 2024-04-08
Copyright2019–2020, 2022, 2024 Daniel Bosk
BetreuerDaniel Bosk

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