CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: biblatex-dw

Datum: 9. Dezember 2016 09:39:46 MEZ
Dominik Waßenhoven submitted an update to the biblatex-dw package. Version number: 1.7 License type: lppl Summary description: Humanities styles for BibLaTeX Announcement text:
Version 1.7 This St Nicholas Day’s version brings as a present the long awaited compatibility with biblatex > 3.3. It was tested with biblatex 3.6 and biber 2.6. Further changes are: - New option "citeauthorname" (instead of "firstfullname") which can take the values "normal" (\citeauthor and \textcite print the surname only, as in standard biblatex), "firstfull" (at the first use of \citeauthor or \textcite, the full name is printed, otherwise the surname only; thus, this is the behaviour of the former option "firstfullname") and "full" (the full name is always printed when using \citeauthor or \textcite). The default for this option is "normal". - Option "firstfullname" has been dropped (see above, option "citeauthorname"). - Option "series" can now take the values "standard", "afteryear" and "beforeedition". The latter is new and prints the series ahead of the edition. The default for this option is "standard". - BUGFIX: From version 3.3 of biblatex, \DeclareNameFormat has changed. This version of biblatex-dw is now compatible with the new syntax. - BUGFIX: In some circumstances, the option "inreference=full" was broken. This should be fixed now. - BUGFIX: In some cases, @review in combination with the xref functionality suppressed the output of pages. This should be fixed. - Compatibility with biblatex 2.9 regarding the list of shorthands.
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-dw More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-dw
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz We are supported by the TeX user groups. Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

biblatex-dw – Humanities styles for Bib

Eine kleine Sammlung von Stilen für das Paket Bib. Es ist auf geisteswissenschaftliche Zitierweise zugeschnitten und bietet einige Funktionen, die von den Standard-Stilen von Bib nicht direkt bereitgestellt werden. Das Paket baut vollständig auf Bib auf und kann nicht ohne Bib (mindestens in der Version 0.9b) verwendet werden.

Version1.7b 2023-03-11
Copyright2008–2023 Dominik Waßenhoven
BetreuerDominik Waßenhoven



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