CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN Update: tcolorbox

Datum: 24. Juli 2014 13:30:30 MESZ
Thomas F. Sturm submitted an update to the tcolorbox package. Version number: 3.10 License type: lppl Summary description: colored text boxes, LaTeX examples, theorems, documentation Announcement text:
- box breaking algorithm revised: * breakable boxes now always have \noindent * distance to preceeding text corrected * interaction with floating objects fixed * dimensioning of partial boxes improved * splitting of an empty closing frame can now be avoided (depending on 'pad at break*') * The upper total height limit for breakable boxes is extended from about 16384pt to about 65536pt * experimental code added (breakable=unlimited) for breakable boxes without height limit besides memory * splitting boxes inside multicols environments supported (to a certain degree) * limited orphan control added ('enlargepage flexible') - library 'breakable': * new options: 'break at', 'height fixed for', 'enlargepage flexible', 'pad before break*', 'pad at break*' - Corners can be set individually now to be 'rounded' or 'sharp' for all types of boxes, skins, borders, and shadows: * new options: 'sharpish corners', 'sharp corners', and 'rounded corners' - library 'skins': * new options: '\tcbline*' * bug fix: skin families 'bicolor' and 'beamer' did not respect 'colbacktitle' - pictures 'blueshade.png', 'crinklepaper.png', 'goldshade.png', 'pink_marble.png' moved to package folder
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/tcolorbox/ More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox We are supported by the TeX Users Group http://www.tug.org . Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese

tcolorbox – Coloured boxes, for examples and theorems, etc

This package provides an environment for coloured and framed text boxes with a heading line. Optionally, such a box may be split in an upper and a lower part; thus the package may be used for the setting of examples where one part of the box displays the source code and the other part shows the output. Another common use case is the setting of theorems. The package supports saving and reuse of source code and text parts.

The package depends on the pgf, verbatim, environ, and etoolbox packages.

Version6.2.0 2024-01-10
Copyright2006–2024 Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm
BetreuerThomas F. Sturm



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