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CTAN update: msc

Datum: 14. Mai 2022 21:23:11 MESZ
Reynaldo Gil Pons submitted an update to the msc package. Version: 2.00 2022-05-13 License: lppl1.3 Summary description: Draw MSC diagrams Announcement text:
Version 2.00 is the result of a complete rewrite of the package. The main difference is that the package is now implemented in TikZ instead of PSTricks, making it compatible with pdfLaTex and beamer. In addition the syntax has been slightly extended. It now supports the specification of all options as a comma separated list in square brackets, while remaining backward compatible. All lengths are now stored using pgfkeys. As a result it is possible to change sizes of shapes individually. Support for colors is added.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/msc The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/msc/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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msc – Draw MSC diagrams

The package should be useful to all people that prepare their texts with and want to draw Message Sequence Charts in their texts. The package is not an MSC editor; it simply takes a textual description of an MSC and draws the corresponding MSC.

The current version of the MSC macro package supports the full MSC2000 language.

Version2.00 2022-05-13
Copyright2008–2022 V. Bos, T. van Deursen and S. Mauw
BetreuerReynaldo Gil Pons
Victor Bos (inaktiv)
Ton van Deursen (inaktiv)
Sjouke Mauw (inaktiv)



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