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CTAN update: letgut

Date: January 15, 2023 9:48:42 PM CET
The Association GUTenberg submitted updates to the letgut package. Version: 0.9.6 2023-01-14 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: Class for the newsletter “La Lettre GUTenberg” of the French TeX User Group GUTenberg Announcement text:
0.9.5 2023-01-13 : ### Added - Files (`.tex` source, images files, bibliographic files, etc.) used to typeset an article possibly attached to the Lettre's PDF. - Starred version of `\inputarticle` that prevents the previous feature. - Boolean option that (un)forces the previous feature. - Plural forms `\lettres` and `\lettresgut` of `\lettre` and `\lettregut`. - Shortcuts for “(a|A)ssociation GUTenberg”. - Starred versions of `\person` and `\author` that sort the lists of persons/authors in alphabetic order. - Environment for announcements. - Environments and commands for rebus and their solutions. ### Changed - `⅛` replaced by `™` as a short equivalent of ~\lstinline~ (the former is considered as math if ~unicode-math~ is loaded). - Documentation updated. ### Fixed Several bugs and sub-optimalities. 0.9.6 2023-01-14 : ### Fixed Hot fix for the attachment of the Lettre's source files to its PDF.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/letgut The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/latex/letgut/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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letgut – Class for the newsletter “La Lettre GUTenberg” of the French User Group GUTenberg

The French User Group GUTenberg has been publishing “The GUTenberg Letter”, its irregular newsletter, since February 1993.

For this purpose, a dedicated, in-house class was gradually created but, depending on new needs and on the people who were publishing the Newsletter, its development was somewhat erratic; in particular, it would not have been possible to publish its code as it was. In addition, its documentation was non-existent.

The Board of Directors of the association, elected in November 2020, wished to provide a better structured, more perennial and documented class, able to be published on the CTAN. This is now done with the present ‘letgut’ class.

# French

L’association GUTenberg publie “La Lettre GUTenberg”, son bulletin irrégulomestriel, depuis février 1993.

Pour ce faire, une classe dédiée, maison, a peu à peu vu le jour mais, au gré des nouveaux besoins et des personnes qui ont assuré la publication de la Lettre, son développement a été quelque peu erratique ; il n’aurait notamment pas été possible de publier son code en l’état. En outre, sa documentation était inexistante.

Le Conseil d’Administration de l’association, élu en novembre 2020, a souhaité fournir une classe mieux structurée, davantage pérenne et documentée, à même d’être publiée sur le CTAN. C’est désormais chose faite avec la présente classe letgut.

Version0.9.10 2024-10-07
Copyright1994–2024 Association GUTenberg
2022 Denis Bitouzé
MaintainerAssociation GUTenberg



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