CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN Upload: scontents

Date: September 24, 2019 5:20:40 AM CEST
Hi Pablo, Thanks for the upload. I've installed the new version and updated the catalog repository. The changes should become available on the mirrors within the next 24 hours. Then I will post the announcement. > Upload information: > Package: scontents > Package id: scontents > Summary: Stores LaTeX contents in memory or files > Version: 1.3 > Author: Pablo González Luengo > Author email: pablgonz at yahoo.com > Location: /macros/latex/contrib/scontents > License: lppl1.3c > Home: https://github.com/pablgonz/scontents > Bugs: https://github.com/pablgonz/scontents/issues > Repository: https://github.com/pablgonz/scontents > Announcement: > ----------------------------------------- > - Remove `filecontentsdef` dependency. > - The environment can now nest. > - The extra space has been removed when you run `\getstored`. > - Internal code has been rewritten more efficiently. > - Remove `\typestored*`. > > ----------------------------------------- > Note: ---- Kind regards Manfred Lotz for the CTAN Team -- Please send messages to this mailing list in English only. Please do not send HTML messages, they are held in our Spam filter. Please do not send software to this list, use the web upload form.

scontents – Stores contents in memory or files

This package stores valid code in memory (sequences) using the l3seq module of expl3. The stored content (including verbatim) can be used as many times as desired in the document, additionally can be written to external files if desired.

Version2.1 2024-06-14
Copyright2019–2024 Pablo González L.
MaintainerPablo González Luengo



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