CTAN update: ekdosis
Date: August 19, 2021 7:59:47 PM CEST
Robert Alessi submitted an update to the
Version number: 1.3 2021-08-18
License type: gpl3+ fdl
Summary description: Typesetting TEI-xml compliant Critical Editions
Announcement text:
ekdosis v1.3
This release of ekdosis comes with many new features of which the most important follow:— - New global options `keyfloat' and `fitfloat': the latter lets the apparatus grow until a predefined height is reached. From this point on, the apparatus ceases to grow. Rather, the size of the characters is scaled down to allow for more entries. If used appropriately, this mechanism puts an end to the `oscillating problem' (see sect. 11.1 on page 59) in most of the cases. - Added support for marks in headers and footers. - New preamble command \ekdsetup. - New option lineation=none. - New command \ekdpb* to force the page break. - Improved handling of nested \app. Added `num' and `nonum' optional arguments to \lem and \note. - New command \teidirect to insert code in the TEI xml output file only. - Much improved \TeXtoTEIPat. - New `locus' option in \DeclareWitness. - Allow strictly consecutive \note commands to share the same `labelb'. - Improved tests for babel and polyglossia. Added a `notelang' option to apply in text entries introduced by the \note command a language different from the one that is selected in the edition text. Corrections, improvements and bug fixes:— - relocate_notes() operated outside <lem> in some instances: fixed. - Page numbers ahead of entries spanning across pages are no longer printed when `lineation' is set to `document'. - Citation commands now use <bibl> and <biblScope>. - Use lpeg to relocate anchors. Adapted frontier pattern to handle dots, hyphens and underscores in xml:ids. - TEI xml export: use <msItemStruct> instead of <msItem>. For future work, please see sect. 13 on p. 75 of the documentation.
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/latex/ekdosis More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/ekdosis
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
ekdosis v1.3
This release of ekdosis comes with many new features of which the most important follow:— - New global options `keyfloat' and `fitfloat': the latter lets the apparatus grow until a predefined height is reached. From this point on, the apparatus ceases to grow. Rather, the size of the characters is scaled down to allow for more entries. If used appropriately, this mechanism puts an end to the `oscillating problem' (see sect. 11.1 on page 59) in most of the cases. - Added support for marks in headers and footers. - New preamble command \ekdsetup. - New option lineation=none. - New command \ekdpb* to force the page break. - Improved handling of nested \app. Added `num' and `nonum' optional arguments to \lem and \note. - New command \teidirect to insert code in the TEI xml output file only. - Much improved \TeXtoTEIPat. - New `locus' option in \DeclareWitness. - Allow strictly consecutive \note commands to share the same `labelb'. - Improved tests for babel and polyglossia. Added a `notelang' option to apply in text entries introduced by the \note command a language different from the one that is selected in the edition text. Corrections, improvements and bug fixes:— - relocate_notes() operated outside <lem> in some instances: fixed. - Page numbers ahead of entries spanning across pages are no longer printed when `lineation' is set to `document'. - Citation commands now use <bibl> and <biblScope>. - Use lpeg to relocate anchors. Adapted frontier pattern to handle dots, hyphens and underscores in xml:ids. - TEI xml export: use <msItemStruct> instead of <msItem>. For future work, please see sect. 13 on p. 75 of the documentation.
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/latex/ekdosis More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/ekdosis
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
ekdosis – Typesetting TEI-xml compliant Critical Editions
ekdosis is a LuaLaTeX package designed for multilingual critical editions. It can be used to typeset texts and different layers of critical notes in any direction accepted by LuaTeX. Texts can be arranged in running paragraphs or on facing pages, in any number of columns which in turn can be synchronized or not. In addition to printed texts, ekdosis can convert .tex source files so as to produce TEI xml-compliant critical editions. Database-driven encoding under LaTeX then allows extraction of texts entered segment by segment according to various criteria: main edited text, variant readings, translations or annotated borrowings between texts.
Package | ekdosis |
Version | 1.4 2021-11-21 |
Copyright | 2020–2021 Robert Alessi |
Maintainer | Robert Alessi |