CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: PyLua

Date: December 31, 2022 11:21:46 AM CET
Tobias Enderle submitted an update to the PyLuaTeX package. Version: 0.5.1 2022-12-30 License: mit lppl1.3c Summary description: Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents Announcement text:
Change ----------- In case a Python error occurs inside a python environment, the Python output (including the error message and stack trace) is now only written to the document if the package option ignoreerrors is enabled. Otherwise, the Python output is only shown in the LaTeX log file. Reason ----------- Since Python stack traces often contain "special" characters like _, writing the Python output to the document can lead to LaTeX errors (e.g. Missing $ inserted) that hide the original Python error.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/pyluatex The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/luatex/latex/pyluatex/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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PyLua – Execute Python code on the fly in your documents

PyLua allows you to execute Python code and to include the resulting output in your documents in a single compilation run. documents must be compiled with Lua for this to work.

PyLua runs a Python InteractiveInterpreter (actually several if you use different sessions) in the background for on-the-fly code execution. Python code from your file is sent to the background interpreter through a TCP socket. This approach allows your Python code to be executed and the output to be integrated in your file in a single compilation run. No additional processing steps are needed. No intermediate files have to be written. No placeholders have to be inserted.

Copyright2021–2024 Tobias Enderle
MaintainerTobias Enderle



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