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CTAN update: luatexja

Date: September 20, 2020 4:48:08 PM CEST
Hironori Kitagawa submitted an update to the luatexja package. Version number: 20200919.0 License type: bsd Summary description: Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX Announcement text:
* Experimental support of "JFM feature", such as: \jfont\hoge=...;jfm=ujis/{-bar,-g,foo,hoge=2,l,mog=6,piyo};... * Fix the default kinsoku parameter (jaxspmode of "!"). * Support letterspace in Japanese fonts. * Fixed bugs in luatexja-preset.sty, lltjext.sty and lltjp-geometry.sty. Note that support for upcoming LaTeX2e release (2020-20-01) is still in progress.
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/luatex/generic/luatexja More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/luatexja
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luatexja – Typeset Japanese with Lua

The package offers support for typesetting Japanese documents with Lua. Either of the Plain and formats may be used with the package.

Copyright2011–2024 The Lua-ja project
MaintainerHironori Kitagawa



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