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CTAN Update: memoir

Datum: 11. September 2020 14:16:31 MESZ
Lars Madsen submitted an update to the memoir package. Version: 3.7m 2020-09-10 License: lppl1.3 Summary description: Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books Announcement text:
In preparation for the LaTeX format/kernel update (2020/10/01) several class hook features have been changed to use these new features, see the manuals for lthooks, ltfilehook, ltshipout for details on these new hooks. Thus from the 2020/10/01 LaTeX forward onwards we have the changes below. Until 2020/10/01 the new format can be tested via e.g. pdflatex-dev -- trimmarks are now added via the shipout/background hook, and is labeled memoir/trimmarks See the ltshipout manual for more details. -- \AtBeginFile{filename}{code} and \AtEndFile{filename}{code} are now implemented via the file/before/filename and file/after/filename hooks. **Breaking change:** In the old implementation of \AtBegin/EndFile{file}: if file is a `.tex` file, then one could use \AtEndFile{test}{code} to add code at the end of inputting `test.tex`. Now you will have to use \AtEndFile{test.tex}{code}. See the manual for ltfilehook for more details. -- \AtBeginPackage{name}{code}, \AtEndPackage{name}{code} and \RequireAtEndPackage{name}{code} are now implemented via the package/before/name and package/after/name hooks. -- \AtBeginClass{name}{code}, \AtEndClass{name}{code} and \RequireAtEndClass{name}{code} are implemented via class/before/name and class/after/name -- the redefinition of \trimmarks inside the definition of \quarkmarks have been removed -- Whenever the caption package is loaded, memoir will reset it self so the caption package can take over. We issue some information to the user at this point. In this update we have changed this information from a class warning to a class info as the warning confused a lot of users.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/memoir The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/memoir/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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memoir – Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books

The memoir class is for typesetting poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and mathematical works.

Permissible document ‘base’ font sizes range from 9 to 60pt. There is a range of page-styles and well over a dozen chapter-styles to choose from, as well as methods for specifying your own layouts and designs. The class also provides the functionality of over thirty of the more popular packages, thus simplifying document sources.

Users who wish to use the hyperref package, in a document written with the memoir class, should also use the memhfixc package (part of this bundle). Note, however, that any current version of hyperref actually loads the package automatically if it detects that it is running under memoir.

Version3.8.2 2024-01-26
Copyright2001–2011 Peter R. Wilson
2011–2024 Lars Madsen
BetreuerLars Madsen
Peter R. Wilson (inaktiv)



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