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CTAN update: siunitx

Date: September 1, 2023 1:05:28 PM CEST
Joseph Wright submitted an update to the siunitx package. Version: 3.3.5 2023-08-30 License: lppl1.3c Summary description: A comprehensive (SI) units package Announcement text:
## [v3.3.5] - 2023-08-30 ### Fixed - Correct spacing for uncertainties for integers in tables (see issue [\#690](https://github.com/josephwright/siunitx/issues/690)) - Prevent expansion of `\text` in literal units (see issue [\#691](https://github.com/josephwright/siunitx/issues/691)) - Parse empty and zero exponents independently (see issue [\#692](https://github.com/josephwright/siunitx/issues/692)) - Printing of 'boundary' phrases (see issue [\#693](https://github.com/josephwright/siunitx/issues/693)) - Handling of font commands inside `\ensuremath` in text mode (see issue [\#694](https://github.com/josephwright/siunitx/issues/694))
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/siunitx More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/siunitx
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs .

siunitx – A comprehensive (SI) units package

Physical quantities have both numbers and units, and each physical quantity should be expressed as the product of a number and a unit. Typesetting physical quantities requires care to ensure that the combined mathematical meaning of the number-unit combination is clear. In particular, the SI units system lays down a consistent set of units with rules on how these are to be used.

However, different countries and publishers have differing conventions on the exact appearance of numbers (and units). The siunitx package provides a set of tools for authors to typeset quantities in a consistent way. The package has an extended set of configuration options which make it possible to follow varying typographic conventions with the same input syntax. The package includes automated processing of numbers and units, and the ability to control tabular alignment of numbers.

Version3.4.4 2025-01-21
Copyright2008–2025 Joseph Wright
MaintainerJoseph Wright



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