CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: bib2gls

Datum: 1. Dezember 2018 21:42:58 MEZ
Nicola Talbot submitted an update to the bib2gls package. Version number: 1.8 2018-11-30 License type: gpl3+ Summary description: Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files Announcement text:
- new resource options: --save-primary-locations --primary-location-formats --long-case-change --dual-long-case-change --word-boundaries --sort-label-list --dependency-fields - added support for the new glossaries-extra package option record=nameref (introduced to glossaries-extra v1.37). - normal locations are now written to the location field as \glsnoidxdisplayloc{<prefix>}{<counter>}{<format>}{<location>} instead of explicitly using \setentrycounter[<prefix>]{<counter>}\<format>{<location>} This matches the way the record is added to the loclist field and makes it easier to adjust the record formatting. - bib2gls now always parses the .log file even if the interpreter setting is off. (It still needs to know version details and whether hyperlinks and Unicode are supported by the document.) - Underscores now allowed in bib labels. - Hooks added to pick up label prefixes if needed: \bibglsprimaryprefixlabel \bibglsdualprefixlabel \bibglstertiaryprefixlabel \bibglsexternalprefixlabel - bug fix: corrected default sort=doc - bug fix: corrected letternumber-upperlower and letternumber-lowerupper sort methods. - bug fix: corrected invalid datetime pattern that threw InvalidArgumentException - bug fix: https://github.com/nlct/bib2gls/issues/3 Files located in local texmf path are not determined correctly on Windows. (actual bug was in texparserlib.jar rather than bib2gls.jar) - \@glsnavhypertarget will now fallback on original definition (which requires an extra LaTeX call) if the type is unknown. - Renamed example file sample-languages.tex to sample-markuplanguages.tex
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/support/bib2gls More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/bib2gls We are supported by the TeX User Groups. Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Ina Dau --

bib2gls – Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files

This Java command line application may be used to extract glossary information stored in a .bib file and convert it into glossary entry definition commands.

This application should be used with glossaries-extra.sty’s ‘record’ package option. It performs two functions in one:

  • selects entries according to records found in the .aux file (similar to bibtex),
  • hierarchically sorts entries and collates location lists (similar to makeindex or xindy).

The glossary entries can then be managed in a system such as JabRef, and only the entries that are actually required will be defined, reducing the resources required by .

The supplementary application convertgls2bib can be used to convert existing .tex files containing definitions (\newglossaryentry etc.) to the .bib format required by bib2gls.

Version3.9 2024-01-30
Copyright2017–2024 Nicola L. C. Talbot
BetreuerNicola Talbot



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