CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: luamesh

Datum: 16. April 2017 20:37:50 MESZ
Maxime Chupin submitted an update to the luamesh package. Version number: 0.51 License type: lppl1.3 Summary description: Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation Announcement text:
Correct distribution (missing files added)
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/luatex/latex/luamesh More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/luamesh
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Manfred Lotz We are supported by the TeX user groups. Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .

luamesh – Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation

The package allows to compute and draw 2D Delaunay triangulation. The algorithm is written with lua, and depending upon the choice of the engine, the drawing is done by (with luamplib) or by TikZ.

The Delaunay triangulation algorithm is the Bowyer and Watson algorithm. Several macros are provided to draw the global mesh, the set of points, or a particular step of the algorithm.

BetreuerMaxime Chupin



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