CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

tatsuta's proof macros

Datum: 11. Oktober 2006 16:57:57 MESZ
these macros have been moved from ctan directory macros/latex/contrib/proof to directory macros/latex/contrib/lkproof there are several reasons why this is desirable; from ctan's point of view, it reduces the number of confusing name clashes. i have taken the opportunity of updating the package, from the author's web site in japan, to the current version 3.1. Robin Fairbairns For the CTAN team

LKproof – LK Proof figure macros

The package defines a pair of commands \infer and \deduce, that are used in constructing LK proof diagrams.

Version3.1 2005-11-24
Copyright1990–2005 Makoto Tatsuta
BetreuerMakoto Tatsuta



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