CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN package update: mf2pt1

Date: March 1, 2005 2:37:39 PM CET
A package has been updated on tug.ctan.org and should soon be at your favorite mirror. Thank you for the upload, Jim Hefferon ====================================================================== The following information was provided by the package's contributor. Name of contribution: mf2pt1 Author's name: Scott Pakin Location on CTAN: /support/mf2pt1/ Summary description: Produce PostScript Type 1 fonts directly from Metafont source License type: lppl Announcement text given by the package's contributor: - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- mf2pt1 facilitates producing PostScript Type 1 fonts directly from a Metafont source file without losing quality to autotracers. mf2pt1 is not, as the name may imply, an automatic converter of arbitrary Metafont fonts to Type 1 format. The program imposes a number of restrictions on the Metafont input. If these restrictions are met, mf2pt1 will produce valid Type 1 output with more accurate control points than can be reverse-engineered by TeXtrace, mftrace, and other programs which convert bitmaps to outline fonts. Version 2.0 sports the following improvements over the previous version: * A new --rounding option enables control points to be placed with higher precision. * Fonts are automatically run through t1asm to convert them from "disassembled" format to true .pfb font files. * Fonts are automatically run through FontForge, if available, to clean up curves and automatically add font-hinting information. A new --ffscript option lets the user override the default FontForge script. * mf2pt1 includes a workaround for a MetaPost "turningnumber" bug. * A new "glyph_name" command and "asis" encoding vector enable font programs to specify their own encodings -- useful for creating a large font out of multiple 256-character fonts. * mf2pt1 now supports an encoding vector for TeX T1 (i.e., 8-bit) encoding. * There are various bug fixes, code cleanups, and documentation improvements. - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can have a look at the package at http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/mf2pt1/ although you may get a better network connection by visiting a mirror of CTAN that is near to you; see http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/README.mirrors .

mf2pt1 – Convert stylized to PostScript Type 1

mf2pt1 is a Perl script that facilitates producing PostScript Type 1 fonts from a source file. It is not, as the name may imply, an automatic converter of arbitrary fonts to Type 1 format. mf2pt1 imposes a number of restrictions on the input. If these restrictions are met, mf2pt1 will produce valid Type 1 output with more accurate control points than can be reverse-engineered by trace, mftrace, and other programs which convert bitmaps to outline fonts.

Copyright2005–2024 Scott Pakin
MaintainerScott Pakin



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