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Directory macros/latex/contrib/xtab

The XTAB package

    The xtab package automatically breaks long tables so that they can
span multiple pages. It is an extension of the supertabular package,
providing additional functionality and reducing some of the weaknesses.
Alternatively, you may find the longtable package fits your needs better.

Change History

v2.3f (2011/07/31) - Escape some line-endings (thanks to Martin Scharrer)

v2.3e (2010/02/06)
 - Allow "calc" input in columns widths and row separations (with \\[...]);
   thanks to Martin Reinders for the error report and diagnosis.
v2.3d (2009/09/04) - New maintainer (Will Robertson)
v2.3c (2008/07/26) - hopefully all extraneous spaces eliminated

  Author: Peter Wilson, Herries Press
  Maintainer: Will Robertson (will dot robertson at latex-project dot org)
  Copyright 1998--2008 Peter R. Wilson
  Copyright 2010--2011 Will Robertson
  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
  version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any 
  later version: <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt>

  This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
  The Current Maintainer of this work is Will Robertson.
  This work consists of the files:
README (this file)
  and the derived files:

    The distribution consists of the files:
README (this file)
xtab.pdf (user manual)


    To install the package:
- run: latex xtab.ins (which will generate xtab.sty)
- Move xtab.sty to a location where LaTeX will find it.
  (typically in a local texmf tree at tex/latex/xtab) and refresh the
  file database. See the FAQ on CTAN at help/uk-tex-faq or
  http://www.tug.ac.uk/faq for more information on this.

    To regenerate the user manual:
- run: (pdf)latex xtab.dtx
- run: makeindex -s gind.ist xtab
- run: latex xtab.dtx
- Print xtab.(pdf|dvi) for a hardcopy of the package manual 

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (372.3k).

xtab – Break tables across pages

Xtab is an extended and somewhat improved version of supertabular; its xtabular environment provides tables that break across pages.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright1998–2008 Peter R. Wilson
MaintainerWill Robertson
Peter R. Wilson (inactive)
TDS archivextab.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as xtab
MiKTeX as xtab
TopicsTable long
See alsolongtable
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