CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis systems/win32/yandy


1. Introduction

This is Y&Y TeX, version 2.3.0 (based on TeX 3.14159265).

For more infomation, see:

2. Developing Sources

You can check out sources from:

You can choose one ANSI C Compiler for building Y&Y TeX:
  1. MSVC (tested Visual Studio 2012/2013)
  2. GCC (tested version 4.8)
  3. Clang/LLVM (tested version 3.4)

3. Development of Next Version of Y&Y TeX

A necessary patch on eTeX is actually needed. Making the Y&Y TeX
retargetable, supporting DVI and PDF output, is another task of
the next version.

Herunterladen des vollständigen Inhalts dieses Pakets in einem Zip-Archiv (988.7k).

yandy – TUG release of Y and Y’s distribution

Y&Y were a small distributor, whose Windows system was highly thought of. The business ceased trading 2003, and TUG was granted the right to distribute it; this version has been adjusted in a small way, and can run under Windows 7 & 8 (which were a fair time in the future when TUG was granted its rights).

The program can only produce DVI files; users should acquire a DVI reader elsewhere.

Version0.5 2014-07-05
LizenzenGNU General Public License
BetreuerClerk Ma
Berthold K. P. Horn (inaktiv)
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