CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis systems/os2/web2c-6.1

                              (o o)
This directory contains WEB2C/2, a port of WEB2C to IBM OS/2.

Table of contents

1  Copying conditions
2  System requirements
3  User requirements
4  Additional features
5  Installation
6  First tests
7  Performance improvements
8  The author

1  Copying conditions

WEB2C/2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.

WEB2C/2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

2  System requirements

The binary release of WEB2C/2 (see the `binary' subdirectory) requires
OS/2 2.0 or any later version.  The release was compiled with emx 0.9a
under OS/2 2.1 with optimization enabled for an i486 CPU.  Thus, you
have to install the emx runtime environment if you don't have it

WEB2C/2 contains only the programs for TeX, METAFONT and friends.  There
are no fonts, TeX macros or pre-compiled format and base files.  WEB2C/2
is intended as a drop-in replacement for your current binaries.

Have a look at `tex-archive/systems/web2c/lib-<version>.tar.gz' on CTAN 
if you have no TeX infrastructure on your disk.

3  User requirements

WEB2C/2 is no ready-to-run distribution for the reasons pointed out in
the previous section.  I think that this is the right way.  The only
non-portable files of a TeX system are the executables, the pool, format
and base files.  WEB2C/2 offers you pre-compiled executables, pool files
and `Makefile' files for building formats and bases.  Thus, you have all
you need for making TeX work.

So, get the packages *you* want to use, read the documentation coming
along with them, configure and install them, learn for what all these
files are good for and keep your system up-to-date yourself.  Don't wait
for someone else doing it for you.

You should also read the manual pages before you ask `how'.  That's why
they were written.  There is the German phrase `Lesen bildet' which
means `reading trains' in English -- 'nough said.

4  Additional features

WEB2C/2 is as close to the original as possible (including support for
symbolic links -- you read right) but there are some enhancements due to
the differences between UN*X and OS/2:

* Backslashes as well as normal slashes may be used as directory
  separators in environment variables.

* Environment variables may be referenced as `%FOO%' beside the two
  UN*X styles `$FOO' and `${FOO}'.

* TeX and BibTeX can load a character translation table at runtime.
  See `$TEXMFROOT/keymaps/README' for details.

5  Installation

Installing WEB2C/2 on a HPFS-drive is recommended.

Choose a directory prefix and change to that directory.  The binary
release was compiled with `/usr/local' but `/usr' and `/opt' are also
common choices.  All archives unpack their contents relative to the
current working directory.  First, unpack the whole stuff:

	$ mkdir /usr/local
	$ cd /usr/local
	$ unzip /foo/binary/web2c.zip
	$ unzip /foo/binary/kpathsea.zip
	$ unzip /foo/binary/symlink.zip

Fire up your editor if it is not already running and visit `config.sys'.
Include the file `/usr/local/lib/TeX+MF/etc/setenv.cmd' and change the
environment variables matching your setup.  Setting `TEXMFROOT' to, for
example `d:/usr/local/lib/TeX+MF' may do it on some systems.  The syntax
and the meaning of the variables are explained in the documentation for
the Kpathsearch Library (see the file `.../info/kpathsea.info').

Make sure that `/usr/local/bin' and `/usr/local/dll' are in your `PATH'
respectively `LIBPATH' -- `/usr/local/lib' should be in your `DPATH'.

Reboot your machine.

Don't forget to rebuild all your format and base files.  Note: sharable
format and base files load slower on little endian machines (especially
under OS/2, not noticeable under Linux) -- I have disabled it.

6  First tests

If your old binaries are still in your `PATH', ensure that the new ones
in `/usr/local/bin' will be found first!

Try to build a format file now.  Say, e.g.,

	$ texmf formats
	$ initex "plain \dump"

If that works, try

	$ mv plain.fmt tex.fmt
	$ ln -s tex.fmt plain.fmt
	$ cd /usr/local/bin
	$ ln -t exec virtex.exe tex.exe

Do you know what you have just done?  `tex.exe' is a link to `virtex.exe'
causing `virtex.exe' to pre-load the file `tex.fmt' instead of the default
`plain.fmt'.  The file `plain.fmt' is a link to `tex.fmt' so that you can
still say `tex "&plain" foo' or `virtex foo'.  See the manual page of TeX
for more details.

Try these commands next:

	$ cd /tmp
	$ tex null
	This is TeX, Version 3.1415 (C version 6.1)
	No pages of output.
	Transcript written on null.log.

Do you have the same output?  Congratulations, TeX is up and running!  Now
do something similar with METAFONT:

	$ texmf bases
	$ inimf "plain; input modes; dump"
	$ mv plain.base mf.base
	$ ln -s mf.base plain.base
	$ cd /usr/local/bin
	$ ln -t exec virmf.exe mf.exe
	$ cd /tmp
	$ mf smiley
	This is METAFONT, Version 2.71 (C version 6.1)
	(d:/usr/local/lib/TeX+MF/mf/local/smiley.mf [0])
	Output written on smiley.2602gf (1 character, 248 bytes).
	Transcript written on smiley.log.

Do you see what?

7  Performance improvements

The programs itself are fast but you can slow down everything if you
miss-configure the environment variables for Kpathsea.  OS/2's file
systems are slow compared with those of most UN*X Systems.  So, avoid
heavy usage of `//' sequences in the middle of a path specification.
You should also maintain a `ls-R' database if you have lots of
subdirectories below `TEXMFROOT'.

8  The author

WEB2C/2 was ported by Ralph Schleicher <rs@purple.in-ulm.de>.

   Voice: +49-7352-51322 (calling time doesn't matter)
    Data: +49-7352-7425, V32bis, V42bis, FAX
    UUCP: login `Unknown', send e-mail address as password,
	  request `~/WEB2C' for news about WEB2C/2

I don't use OS/2 any more.  I switched entirely to Linux in April 1994
but I am willing to maintain WEB2C/2 as long as future releases of OS/2
are compatible with my current installation.

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