CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis obsolete/macros/latex209/contrib/springer/ljour

LJour1 1.0: LaTeX style file for journals with one column layout
read-me file
                                                 (c) Springer-Verlag HD
The package comes with the following files

read.me        General information on the package
cljour1.ini    .ini file for a format file using
               CM fonts
pljour1.ini    .ini file for a format file using
               PS fonts
flplain.tex    Macro file
ljour1.mac     Macro file
fontdef.tex    Font definitions (NFSS)
preload.tex    Copy of preload.min (NFSS)
xxxlfont.sty   Copy of oldlfont.sty (NFSS)
amsfont.sty    Macro file defining AMS fonts
amssymb.sty    Style option defining AMS symbols
ljour1.doc     LaTeX source of the user's guide
ljour1.ref     ``Reference card" listing all commands available
*.dem          Various demo files for different journals

In addition, the following files have to be present on your system:
- latex.tex as of March 25, 1992 or later
- lplain.tex
- art10.tex
- article.tex
- hyphen.tex or another hyphenation file
- the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS). If you don't have this set of
  files, you can get it from any TeX file server or from
  Springer-Verlag, NTP department on request.

Using LJour1
Please read the following instructions before starting to work with the

Why format files?
As our macro package requires a lot of fonts in addition to those
preloaded by LaTeX, it will normally not work if used via the
\documentstyle statement. It is therefore necessary to create a new
so-called format file with our package. This is done by submitting a set
of macro definitions to a program called initex. This program processes
the definitions, the font specifications, and the original LaTeX macros
and stores all of them in "compiled" form in a format file. This process
does not produce any output, in the way that an ordinary run of TeX
does, but speeds things up for all subsequent runs you make, using LaTeX
in combination with our macros and font selection.

Creating the format file
1. Create a directory called ljour1 and copy all files from the package
except the style options into this directory. The style option file has
to be transfered into a directory that TeX searches for input files.

2. Decide for which language you want to create a format file and, for a
language other than English, edit the file cljour1.ini or pljour1.ini so
that it includes the correct hyphenation patterns. Ask your TeXpert for
the correct file name or consult the documentation of your TeX
implementation. English hyphenation patterns are the default setting.

3. Make sure that all fonts required are on your hard disk. If
necessary, install the NFSS and any fonts that are missing.

4. Before creating a PS format file, check and if necessary correct the
names of the PS fonts in the file fontdef.tex.

5. Run initex with the file cljour1.ini or pljour1.ini. The exact syntax
of this command depends on the implementation. If necessary increase the
amount of font and/or main memory allocated by TeX.

After initex has successfully completed its task, you will have a format
file called cljour1.fmt if you requested CM fonts and pljour1.fmt if you
requested PS fonts.

6. You will want to create both a CM and a PS format file, the first for
previewing and the second for the final run.

7. After you have completed both format files you can remove the
following files from your hard disk:
   pljour1.ini, cljour1.ini, ljour1.mac, flplain.tex fontdef.tex,
   preload.tex, xxxlfont.sty, amsfont.sty.

Installing the fonts
For DOS installations you can have the program finstall (to be
found on the AMS fonts diskettes only, not in the macro package
itself) install the AMS fonts for you. In all other cases you must copy
the files from diskettes into the appropriate directories yourself.

Do not forget that, in general, the printer or screen driver must be
instructed how to find the additional pixel files. Most of the drivers
have a configuration file that contains the names of the fonts available
to the printer. The names of these fonts have to be added to this file.
Please refer to your driver manual. The names normally given to the
pixel files by the installation program are
where <nnn> is a three-digit number indicating the size of the font.

Printing the User's Guide
Now you are ready to print the User's Guide. TeX it using your format
file by issuing the command

  tex &cljour1 ljour1.doc

Ordering the macro package from the mailserver
This macro package is available via mailserver. To obtain a copy,
send an e-mail message to


containing the line

   send /tex/latex/ljour1.zip

Technical support
If you need help in using the macro packages or if you have suggestions
on to how to improve them, please contact us at

                  New Technologies/Product Development
                  P.O. Box 105280
                  D-69121 Heidelberg, Germany

e-mail:           springer@vax.ntp.springer.de
Mailserver:       svserv@vax.ntp.springer.de
Telefax:          (0) 6221 487 648
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