CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory obsolete/info/math/voss/mathmode

Mathmode.pdf      : math in TeX/LaTeX; package amsmath.sty
                    needs package showexpl.
Mathmode.ltx	  : main source file (preamble)
Mathmode.tex	  : document source
Mathmode.bib	  : BibTeX data
Mathmode.ist	  : index style file
showexpl.cfg      : config file for the showexpl package
                    save it together with showexpl.sty
images/           : subdir for all pdf|eps images

voss-mathmode – A comprehensive review of mathematics in

The review includes:

  • Standard mathematics mode;
  • amsmath;
  • and mathematics;
  • Other packages;
  • Tuning math typesetting;
  • Mathematics fonts;
  • Special symbols;
  • Examples; and
  • Lists, bibliography and index.

The author considers this package now as being too old and afflicted with too many typographical bugs. That’s why it has been classified as “obsolete”, at least for the time being.

Version2.47 2010-12-14
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2008, 2009 Voß
MaintainerHerbert Voß
Contained inMiKTeX as voss-mathmode
Maths documentation
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