CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis language/indian/itrans

# README for the itrans package, 5.32

                    Version 5.32, of the itrans package
     (Supports Devanagari, Gujarati, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Tamil,
                    Punjabi, and Romanized Sanskrit)

This is a package for printing text in Indian language scripts.

This package only does the transliteration mapping, the fonts
may be developed elsewhere.

ITRANS is distributed in the following archives:

    itransNN.zip  - ITRANS source code (Unix format) in a ZIP archive
                      - also includes binary for MS-DOS
                  - includes docs in .itx (ITRANS) format
    itransfn.zip  - fonts for use with ITRANS
    iupdateN.zip  - Updates to itransNN.zip [when needed]

    [pre-compiled binary archives, includes fonts for use with ITRANS]
    itransNN-i386.tgz   - for i386 Linux platforms (tested on Slackware)
    itransNN-win32.zip  - for Win32 (Windows 95/NT or newer)

    itransht.zip  - docs in HTML (using Ross Moore's Latex2HTML for ITRANS)
    itransps.zip  - docs in PostScript format, for printing.

----- Navigating the complexities of ITRANS:
 Beginning users: Consult these files: idoc.itx and other *.itx files in the
 doc/ directory, and if you have to deal with installation issues, also
 check out INSTALL.unix or INSTALL.pc in the top directory.

Also, check out the ITRANS home page for more info and links to the
Online ITRANS interface and other e-mail tools that make using ITRANS
much easier, no installation required:


Previous release ITRANS users: See the CHANGES file for list of changes.


Directories & Files (all directories have README files with more info):

src/            ITRANS source code, and makefiles.
                Also includes binary for Linux (ELF) and MS-DOS.

INSTALL.unix    Installation instructions for ITRANS on Unix systems.
INSTALL.pc      Installation instructions for ITRANS on DOS/Win systems.

TRANS.TXT       Quick review of the ITRANS encoding table.

CHANGES         list of changes between consecutive released ITRANS versions.

lib/fonts       All fonts used by ITRANS.

lib/fonts/README    List all font files in lib/fonts and their uses.

itrans.lst, itransps.lst, itransht.lst, itransfn.lst
		List of files in the respective ITRANS archives

lib/            Input files that define char composition - the *.ifm files.
                Also contains examples of environment variables needed,
                dvipsrc scripts, etc.

doc/            ITRANS documentation.

doc/idoc.itx    The main ITRANS manual
		(all docs also available in PostScript and HTML formats).

doc/ex_*.itx    Example input files, for LaTeX, HTML, Unicode, etc output.

contrib/        Additional files and tools that may be useful.

    COPYRIGHT file has licensing information - Simplified BSD License.
Avinash Chopde
e-mail: avinash@aczoom.com
home page: http://www.aczoom.com/


itrans-processor – Transliteration of Indian Languages

Itrans is a pre-processor: it converts English-encoded text into various Indian Language scripts for printing or for display.

The input text to itrans is in a transliterated form: each letter in an Indian Script is assigned an English equivalent, and the English letters are used to represent what will eventually print out in the Indian Language Script.

LizenzenFree license not otherwise listed
BetreuerAvinash Chopde
Gästebuch Seiten-Struktur Impressum Autor kontaktieren