CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Verzeichnis fonts/metrics/w-a-schmidt

       LaTeX support files for commercial Type1 fonts
                                              Walter Schmidt

The material provided here serves to use various commercial
PostScript Type1 font families with LaTeX.  Notice that the
actual font files are _not_ distributed from CTAN; they need
to be purchased.  (Fonts marked with an asterisk can be
downloaded for free, even though they must not be
distributed via CTAN.)

Each `font pack' is made up from a .zip archive accompanied
by a .txt file providing the related installation
instructions.  In most cases the filenames reflect the
"canonical" names of the related font families.

In a few cases, the related fontinst sources are provided,
too.  These archives carry names ending with "-sources.zip".

Each font pack may be distributed individually under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License; see the
"legal notice" in the particular .txt file.

Distributing the contents of a font pack in uncompressed
(=installed) form is generally not encouraged.  If you 
really need to do so (for instance, if you are distributing 
also the related fonts), please contact me.

Font family                            Files (.zip and .txt)

Adobe Garamond                         pad
Aldus                                  pas
Futura Light/Book/Bold/BoldCond.       pfu
Stempel Garamond                       peg
Frutiger                               pfr
Melior                                 pml
Minion                                 pmn
Myriad                                 pmy
Optima                                 pop
Rotis                                  pro
Sabon                                  psb
Syntax                                 psx

ConcordeBE                             poc
Berthold BaskervilleBQ                 qeb

Humanist 777 (Frutiger)                bfr
Letter Gothic                          blg
Latin 725 (Meridien)                   bmd
News Gothic                            bng
Dutch 809 (Concorde)                   boc
Zapf Humanist 601 (Optima)             bop
Zurich (Univers)                       bun
Venetian 301 (Centaur)                 bur

Dingbests (*)                          dingbests
InterOffice (*)                        interoffice
QType Extended Book (*)                qtype

Adobe Garamond LT                      pad
Aldus LT                               las
ITC Charter                            lch
Frutiger Next                          lf9
FuturaLT Light/Book/Bold/BoldCond.     pfu
Stempel Garamond LT                    leg
Meridien LT                            lmd
Melior LT                              lml
Minion                                 lmn
Myriad                                 pmy
ITC Officina Sans                      lo9
Optima Nova (Regular+Italic only)      ln9
Sabon LT                               lsb
Syntax LT                              lsx
ITC Zapf Chancery LT                   lzc
Zapf Essentials LT                     lze
Zapfino One + Ornaments                zap

TimesNR, NR Seven, Small Text          mnt

Dolly                                  dolly



2008-09-29:  Removed support files for Springer SMinion and
SMyriad, since the fonts are no longer available

== finis
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