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New on CTAN: nimsticks

Datum: 14. Juli 2020 08:12:03 MESZ
Peter Rowlett submitted the nimsticks package. Version: 1.0.1 2020-07-12 License: mit Summary description: Draws sticks for games of multi-pile Nim Announcement text:
nimsticks provides commands \drawnimstick to draw a single nim stick and \nimgame which represents games of multi-pile Nim. Nim sticks are drawn with a little random wobble so they look `thrown together' and not too regular. Nim objects could be anything, of course, but conventionally sticks or stones are used. There are various types of dot in LaTeX that might look like stones, but somehow a line of dots didn't seem satisfactory. There are various ways to draw a line (e.g. just typing IIIII), including some tally markers (e.g. in hhcount). My problem with these (call me picky) is that they are all identical lines, and a `heap' of them just looks very organised. Really, I want a set of lines that looks like someone just threw them into heaps (though probably without crossings for the avoidance of ambiguity). The way this works is it draws a thick vertical line in TikZ with a little wobble added so each one doesn't look extremely well-lined-up with its neighbour, achieved by adding or subtracting a small random number to the top and bottom coordinate.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/nimsticks The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/contrib/nimsticks/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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nimsticks – Draws sticks for games of multi-pile Nim

This package provides commands \drawnimstick to draw a single nim stick and \nimgame which represents games of multi-pile Nim. Nim sticks are drawn with a little random wobble so they look ‘thrown together’ and not too regular. The package also provides options to customise the size and colour of the sticks, and flexibility to draw heaps of different objects.

Version2.0.1 2022-08-14
Copyright2022 Peter Rowlett
BetreuerPeter Rowlett



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