CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: fithesis

Datum: 26. Mai 2021 18:24:24 MESZ
Vít Novotný submitted an update to the fithesis package. Version: 1.0.0 2021-05-24 License: lppl1.3 Summary description: Thesis class and template for Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) Announcement text:
Fithesis API: - Add `\thesis at xpatch` command. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/31, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/44) Bugfixes: - Rename files after breaking changes in LaTeX2e kernel. (324c5ae) - Hotfix biblatex v3.15a. (0777e61) - Redefine all predefined page styles of the backend class. (aa02776) Packaging: - Exclude `VERSION.tex` and include `README.md` in the distribution archive for CTAN. (ab71c36) - Symlink Slovak logos to avoid duplicate files on CTAN. (8f2156d) Localization: - Fixes in the Slovak locale of mu/econ. (#21) Continuous integration: - Add a GitHub Actions workflow. (278ded7, 37b9f21, ba2251a, 5e4bc02) - Remove `tests/` directory. (09abb2d) Example documents of the Masaryk University: - Do not implicitly use colored tables in examples. (81e0b4b) - Show lightweight markup earlier in examples, show tables. (f8058a2) - Update a reference to amsmath documentation. (7607116) - Add an example of a dictionary/abbreviations. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/17) - Use the old-style seal of mu/fi. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/30) - Showcase the typesetting of quotation marks in examples. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/36) The 2018 unified visual style (UVS 2018) of the Masaryk University: - Make `\bfseries` switch to secondary color and sans serif for mu. (39fdb9d) - Use TeX Gyre Heros as the main sans serif font. (31f3750) - Change the cover pages. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/25, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/34, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/40, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/44) - Change the title pages. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/8, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/33, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/41, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/43, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/44) - Unify the appearance of the table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/9) - Define the `bibEntry` and `bibEntryEn` blocks for all faculties. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/11, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/37, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/39) - Added summary extra key for mu/phil and mu/econ. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/12, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/14) - Add UVS 2018 university logo. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/16, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/29) - Reorder blocks in the preambles and the postambles of all faculties. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/18, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/24) - Add support for the AMA bibliographic style for mu/med. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/21, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/28) - Add a template for mu/pharm. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/23, closes #23) - Add miscellaneous fixes. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/26, https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/35) Documentation for the Masaryk University: - Update URLs to the requirements of the faculties. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/15) - Remove `guide/` directory. (https://github.com/xvrabcov/fithesis/pull/32) - Add @xvrabcov to the authors. (f1eee51)
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/fithesis The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/fithesis/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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fithesis – Thesis class and template for Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)

A document class for the typesetting of theses at the Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic). The class has been designed for easy extensibility by style and locale files of other academic institutions.

Version1.1.1 2024-03-06
Copyright1998–2024 Daniel Marek (DM), Jan Pavlovič (JP), Petr Sojka (PS), Vít Starý Novotný (VN), and Tereza Vrabcová (TV)
BetreuerVít Starý Novotný



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