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CTAN update: jlreq

Date: April 6, 2022 9:41:02 AM CEST
Noriyuki Abe submitted an update to the jlreq package. Version: 2022-04-05 License: bsd2 Summary description: Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout Announcement text:
- Added `warichu_opening` and `warichu_closing` to `\jlreqsetup`. - Change a little bit penalties around block heading. - Fixed a bug: `\selectfont` after `\DeclareFontShape` raised an error. - Fixed a bug: `use_reverse_pagination` did not work. - Fixed a bug: A second running head disappeared sometimes. - Rewrote `\DeclarePageStyle`. - Deleted `\@makefntext`, define `\@makefntext` directly. - Fixed other bugs.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/jlreq The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/language/japanese/jlreq/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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jlreq – Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout

This package provides a Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout.

The class file and the JFM (Japanese font metric) files for Lua-ja / p / up are provided.

Version 2024-10-04
Copyright2017–2024 Noriyuki Abe
MaintainerNoriyuki Abe



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