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CTAN update: glossaries-extra

Date: November 10, 2022 6:46:46 PM CET
Nicola Talbot submitted an update to the glossaries-extra package. Version: 1.50 2022-11-08 License: lppl1.3 Summary description: An extension to the glossaries package Announcement text:
* glossaries-extra.sty - added new hooks used by \printunsrtglossary \printunsrtglossarypostentryprocesshook \printunsrtglossarygrouphook \printunsrtglossarypostbegin \printunsrtglossarypreend - \printunsrtglossary no longer adds \glsresetentrylist after \glossaryheader - allow an empty value in \glsxtrsetglossarylabel to suppress the label - new commands: \glsstartrange, \glsendrange and \GlsXtrSetDefaultRangeFormat * example-glossaries-user.bib - new file corresponding to example-glossaries-user.tex * glossary-table.sty: - moved other field inside \glstableNameSingleSuppl - changed \GlsXtrIfFieldUndef to \ifglshasdesc, \ifglshassymbol and \ifglsfieldvoid, as appropriate - moved child list inside \glstableblockentry - redesigned table style to move conditionals outside of longtable. - added new block styles: name-symbol-other-desc name-other-symbol-desc desc-symbol-other-name desc-other-symbol-name name-other-desc desc-other-name * glossary-longextra.sty: - added custom styles
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/glossaries-extra The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries-extra/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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glossaries-extra – An extension to the glossaries package

This package provides improvements and extra features to the glossaries package. Some of the default glossaries.sty behaviour is changed by glossaries-extra.sty. See the user manual glossaries-extra-manual.pdf for further details.

glossaries-extra.sty requires the glossaries package and, naturally, all packages required by glossaries.sty.

Version1.53 2023-09-29
Copyright2015–2023 Nicola Talbot
MaintainerNicola Talbot



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