CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

New package on CTAN: psgo

Datum: 15. Oktober 2001 13:34:57 MESZ
A new package has been installed on tug.ctan.org and should make its way through the mirroring process in the next day or two. Thanks for the package, Jim Hefferon ftpmaint at tug.ctan.org ========================================================= The following information was provided by our fellow contributor: Name of contribution: psgo Name: Victor Bos Location on CTAN: graphics/pstricks/contrib/psgo Summary description: Psgo is a package to draw Go diagrams with LaTeX. License type: lppl Announcement text: - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Psgo is a LaTeX package to draw Go diagrams. It is built on top of PSTricks, does not need additional fonts, and is easy to install. More information can be found on the psgo homepage: http://members.chello.nl/~v.bos01/psgo-frame.html - ----------------------------------------------------------------------

psgo – Typeset go diagrams with PSTricks

Copyright2001, 2003, 2004 V. Bos
BetreuerVictor Bos



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